Why HSM?

  1. Storage requirements are exploding
    • Distribution of processing to the enterprise creates greater volumes of data
    • Graphically-based applications require more storage for application files and data
    • Disk drives are proliferating
  2. Uncontrolled, distributed storage is expensive.
    • Hardware costs: Although cheap, hard drives are expensive compared to removable media
    • Labor costs in managing these data are high
    • Business costs: The risk to data that is not protected is very high
  3. Users are demanding
    • Users want all their data on-line all the time for instant access.
    • Management doesn't want to spend the money for more hard disk storage.

The HSM Advantage

Provides "unrestricted" storage capacities by centralizing data stores, freeing up current hard disk resources, and automatically routing data files to the appropriate media, either for fast access, long-term archiving, or short-term backup. Slower but more secure media is used for archival data, removing it from the backup routine. By definition, the data is not always needed on- line.

Reduces costs by slowing the proliferation of hard disks and backup systems. Labor costs are reduced because many routine jobs can be automated, and the effort to backup systems is greatly reduced. Since valuable data is stored on appropriate media and can be directed to secure media as needed, the potential for disasterous business interruptions is minimized.

Satisfies users because the system offers an "infinite hard disk." Management is satisfied because costs associated with growing data stores are greatly reduced. The SAM software manages the data storage so that the data the user needs is always available with minimum delay. No re-training of the user is required.

Data archives of virtually unlimited scope can be built at the least possible cost.

Common Misconceptions

The marketplace for storage management products is full of products which claim to be "the solution" to data storage management problems. HSM packages offer some benefits that are not offered by any other solution. However, it is often the case that customers will request a feature based on a competing technology's feature set. The problem with this is that HSM may not match the feature, even though the problem may not exist under HSM, the user will require an answer. The following is an attempt to provide answers to some common objections based on misconceptions of HSM.

Archiving is not backing up.
Data that is archived with HSM is always available. Data controlled by HSM need only be backed up once, and from then on the backup copy is "refreshed" as needed. Essentially, HSM removes most data from the backup process.

HSM does not require any action by users.
Since it is difficult or impossible to get users to back up on a regular basis, it stands to reason that it is equally difficult to have them identify data to be archived and do something about it. The idea behind HSM is that the administrator would commit particular data to an HSM system based on corporate objectives. Temporary and "scratch" data will still likely reside on the user's hard disk, where it will need to be backed up. By removing the company's valuable data from user's hard disks, HSM makes it unimportant whether a user backs up or not (it is still important to the user).

Data archived by HSM is always available to the user, and with no change to the user's normal procedure. This means that no "user interface" or "GUI" is required (which would be an intrusive change to normal procedure). HSM software requires interfacing between the system administrator and the storage server, so the user interface and GUI features should be restricted to the administrator.

Access to archived data is fast.
Speed of access to archived data is always better than backup packages. No explicit user command must be given to retrieve the data, and data residing on on- or near-line media comes up within seconds. It is up to the system administrator (or optionally, the user) whether data accessed is moved ("staged") to the on-line magnetic disk or is directly accessed from the archival media.

HSM is less expensive than backup.
The savings can be demonstrated by the labor savings (both by administrators and users), the savings in media usage, and the intangible (yet uncontested) value in protecting the data from disaster. HSM is totally transparent, so users are working exactly as before, with no re-training. How many other technologies can boast that?

It is the HSM vendor's job to convey these benefits to end users who are deluged with claims by backup vendors that they have incorporated "HSM" or "migration" to their products, when the product functionality is really quite different.

Hidden Cost Savings of HSM Software
System administration costs are reduced by automating routine tasks and eliminating the need to backup much of the data. Less time is spent supporting users with backup questions or backup failures, or in prompting users to do backups.

Storage space available to the network appears infinite. With SAM and removable media, the network grows simply by adding cartridges.

A disaster recovery plan is almost a given simply by installing HSM.

No retraining of users or "re-engineering" of current data organization is required.

Current facilities are used with much more effectiveness, as HSM relieves the pressure on hard disks, backup systems, budgets, and personnel.

HSM and Back-up/Restore

Although frequently confused, HSM (and archiving) are completely different from backup and restore.

The difference can be stated simply:
Once a file has been archived, its alternate copies exist for the life of the file and need not be stored on any other medium including on-line storage. The data of an archived file is, in general, "immediately" available through the archive mechanism of SAM- FS. This is because off-line archive storage is considered an addressable extension of the primary on-line disk storage.

Conversely, backup systems only make a snapshot of the current state of the file system. Recovery of a file (usually due to loss) involves an extraction process which copies the file from the backup media on to on-line storage. Backup procedures are still required for an archive system. However, rather than copying data (the data space), only the structure of the file system (the name space) need be copied in the traditional manner.

With backup, many copies of the same file can exist, and it is up to the user to determine which one is the "current" version. This creates a situation where much waste can occur in terms of media use and labor. Errors in version control can create havoc with manufacturing or design operations.

HSM relieves much of the load on backup. By removing selected data from the backup process, users can backup in much less time (especially since much of the backup now consists of the name space only). There is no version control issue in a properly implemented HSM system.

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